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(new) Slobodskoy     The History of Slobodskoy     Literary Slobodskoy   A.S.Grin

Fur Company "Belka"

The fur factory was founded in 1893. The first owner of it was a peasant from Vyatka province Frol Lesnikov. in the middle of the 19tn  century domestic industry (leather and fur trimming) was highly developed in Vyatka district and Slobodskoy. F. Lesnikov was one of the hired workers al the tannery of his neighbour P. Platunov. Then he founded his own factory.

     At the very beginning there were only 8 hired workers and 8 women working at home. The sum of goods they were producing was approx. 5000 rubles per year. But in 15 years it became the biggest factory in Vyatka province with the annual turnover 500 thousand rubles. There were 850 workers already.

    The fairs in N. Novgorod and Moscow helped to purchase raw fur skins and sell finished articles and semi-finished products. The part of real-made garments was been sold abroad. Last century, in 1922 factory was awarded and renamed in "Belka". Then unique fur production began to develop very quickly. The first reconstruction was held in 1925 and many new machines, dry chambers and drums were set iri a short period. It provided the expansion of production. In 1932 the sum of the export output was 38, 6 million rubles and the number of workers grew up to 5080.

     This peaceful labour was interrupted by the Great Patriotic war and during all those years "Belka" provided the front with the warm clothes. As a result of successful fulfillment of these tasks a number of workers were awarded with medals and orders, and the Banner of State Committee of Defence was given to fur factory "Belka" to keep forever.

1950-1970 were the years of reconstruction of "Belka".

     Nowadays Joint-Stock Company "Belka" is one of the leaders of fur production in Russia. In manufacturing they widely use materials and technologies of firms and companies, which are known in the world market ("Henkel", "TFL"). Fur garments and hats made from different kinds of fur are permanently recognized by their high quality according to their requirements. Company has the long-lasting traditions of fur manufacture in combination wilh modern technologies and attractive prices. The designers are constantly working at creation of new models  of garments and hats following the tendencies of fashion. There's a big range of goods; more than 120 models of fur garments for grownups and children are made of more lhan 20 kinds of fur.

Joint-stock Company "Belka-Favourite"

    Slobodskoy Matches factory "Belka" was found in 1909.


     Now it is a big enterprise with modern import equipments. They make different kinds of matches: usual matches, souvenir matches, matches for stove and fireplace, hunt matches. The quality of Slobodskoy matches cones ponds to European standards. The Company also produces different goods, such'as ice-cream sticks, plastic dishes, nails.

Within the Company there is a molepedent enterprise "Venta". It produces tare out plaster pasterboard.


Joint-Stock Company "Machine-building plant"

    The Company was founded in 1740 by Nikita K-irillovich Bakulev. First it produced bells. These bells were famous over Vyatka region.

      In 1918 a new period of development began. The Company produced sport products and then different metallic products including beds, dishes and others. In 1956 enterprise was named as foundry-mechanical plant and then repair-mechanical plant. Then the steel department was opened.

      Nowadays the plant produces the bulldozers and tractors for different economic purposes. The plant produces large assortment of consumer goods: skeletons of hothouses, gates for garages and so on.

       About 600 people work at the plant now. There are a lot of veterans who love their plant, keep its traditions and honour.

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