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 Slobodskoy  - 3

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    The manor-museum of A.N. Bakulev in the Bakuli village of the Slobodskoy district is particularly popular. This mu­seum is inside the house where Bakulev, an outstanding scientist, surgeon, a dis­tinguished public figure, academician was born and spent his childhood.

     This is a two-storeyed house with a farmstead where the big peasant family of Bakulevs lived fa monument of the RF history and culture). The exposition layout of the peasant's log hut is interesting: numerous small rooms, nurseries, small bedrooms, rooms for guests.
   Collections of country life utensils and handicraft goods, original necessities of the Bakulevs' family, documentary papers, medical and surgical instruments and also learned works of the distin­guished fellow-countryman and his followers are exhibited in the museum.

     The museum-house of Van Rainis is a literary-arts museum (a monument of the RF history and culture). It was opened in May 19**, 1992, and is a two-storeyed wooden building with edifices in its yard ~ a coach-house and a well. Exhibition halls are on the ground floor, a memorial zone-drawing-room devoted to the national poet of Latvia Van Rainis (Yanis Pliyekshan, 1865-1929), is on the first flooor, another halt (adjacent to the drawing room) tells us about the life and public activity of the first people's commissar of justice Pyotr Ivanovich Stuchka (Peteris Stuchka, 1865-1932). They were closely connected with years of coeducation and friendship (Dora, a sister of V. Rainis was married to P.Stuchka). In 1899 they were both exiled to Slobodskoy.




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Rambler's Top100 

Rambler's Top100          © 2003 - 200 Елькин В.И.

A.N. Bakulev

Van Rainis

Monuments of

John the Baptist's chapel
John the Baptist's graveyard chap­el- rotunda is a monument of architec­ture of the local significance. It was built in the middle of the XIX century. It is situated in the northern part of the graveyard at the road to settlement Demyanka. The style - classicism.

The Palace of Culture named after Gorky
A monument of culture of the local -significance. The building was built in 1937. The style - constructivism.

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