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 Slobodskoy  - 2

Museums and  Exhibitions

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     The Slobodskoy Center of Museums and Exhibitions unites three museums. The oldest of them - the Slobodskoy museum of local lore, history and econo­my - was opened in May, 1921. The founders of the museum were Vsevolod Lebedev, a writer and a student of local lore, history and economy, and Sergey Luppov, an artist.
    The stock of the Slobodskoy Muse­um-Exhibition Center includes more than 30 thousand exhibits.
    The arts collection is made up of more than 500 works of painting, draw­ing and sculpture, many of them being of the world significance. Paintings of the Russian van-guard artists, such as Olga Rozanova, Alexandra Ester, Lyubov Pop-ova, Vera Pestel and Nickolay Sinezubov were exposed in national galleries of Lon­don, Berlin, Helsinki, Seoul, in the Russian Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery.


     The museum has large collections of bells and samovars, iron and art cast­ings, and silver. There are more than 30 thousand items in its exhibition halls and reserves. The collections of art castings, clocks, samovars, bells and small shaft-bow bells are unique.


In the past Slobodskoy was famous for its master craftsmen. The best known articles of ancestors are bells and small bells. On their bronze sides are family names of casters from Slobodskoy: the Karkins, the Bakulevs, the Sitnikovs, the Popovs, the Makushins, the Zhelvakovs.

       Dmitry Vorobyov, a watchmaker from Slobodskoy is one of the renowned watch­makers of Vyatka. In the first quarter of the last century he used to make grand­father clocks of great precision in carved mahogany cases with bronze and cop­per applique decoration. In the upper part of the clock available in the museum it is inscribed above the face: «In Slobodskoy Dmitry Vorobyov № 1824».


    The museum funds contain such priceless books as: the Gospels of 1627, Psalter of 1645, the first translation of the Bible into Russian of 1790.




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Rambler's Top100 

Rambler's Top100          © 2003 - 200 Елькин В.И.

Monuments of

The Churchyard gate
The Churchyard gate with the Trinity church - a monument of architecture of the Republican significance. It was built in 1772-1775 in the old graveyard on the southern outskirts of the town. At first the gate and the church were separate, but in the beginning of the XX century they were joined with an annexe. The style - the Vyatka baroQue.

The former
Anfilatov's bank
A monument of architecture of the local significance. The building was built in 1809 in the former Glazov street and faces with its front the trade square. The style - the national romanticism.

The building of the former Arcade
A monument of architecture of the local significance. It was built in 1876-1896 and was a component of the city trade square ensemble. At first the build­ing was Г-shaped, but now its volume along the street of P. Stuchka is lost. The style - the provincial classicism.

The private residence of Gusev
A monument of architecture of the local significance. It was built in the mid­dle of the XIX century for the local mer­chant Gusev. The style - the provincial classicism. At present - a dwelling

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